We reserved two boats this year as we had 6 couples, reservations were made prior to Hurricane Irma. I reached out to the members on my boat to determine if they wanted to withdraw due to the hurricane, one couple did and a month later changed their minds and stayed with the trip. No one regretted the decision as we cruised around the BVI for 10 days we encountered a very different landscape, but the people remained the normal up beat and cheerful islanders of the past. We of course spoke about the hurricane and everyone had amazing tales of the storm, but all were appreciative of the sailing communities response to continue to visit the island chain. All and all we really experienced little change from past visits and found that most ways it was more interesting as we explored the islands and witnessed some of the devastation and realized the ability of the islanders to bounce right back on their feet and rebuild. The vegetation was not as flush as in the past, but allowed us to see the wild goats and horses easier. Basically what I am saying is quit waffling and get down to the BVI.