This has been our 3rd year with DeeDee & Zeus and even though we only spent 9 days aboard we have reached that point beyond familiar faces and places to a level where we no longer feel like tourists. Not just because we are recognize people and have started to get to know them but because people are starting to recognize us remembering seeing or talking to us a couple of times and when these people say hello to us it feels like the kind of hello neighbours might exchange instead of the empty that the locals will give a tourist that they know they will never see again. We know most of the islands well but always discover something new. The improvement in our seamanship has allowed us to enjoy sailing the boat more than ever. We now have set routines for different manoeuvres that we automatically make ready and perform the operation. Docking, mooring and moving in tight places with only the 2 of us created a lot of tension. Now our communication and routines have working together in a coordinated way . Having more confidence in handling the boat has Philippa less insecure when healed over in full sail. In fact on a passage from Trellis Bay to Cooper Island we had steady wind and small waves on a broad reach and I had DeeDee & Zeus up to 8.9 knots according to the navs. I am very happy with condition of the boat and considering the amount of charters I can tell me the maintenance has been diligent which is in the interest of myself, BVIYC and the charters. The bookings are much higher than I ever imagined. The accounting continues to produce reports on schedule despite the heavy workload from the increased business and as always communication is excellent. I am pleased and know that choosing BVIYC was the right choice.