I sailed with 2 veteran captains as a passenger on the Kiaora II in 2015. I didn't care much for sailing at the time but it sounded like a unique adventure. When the wind hit the sails of that massive yacht, I was hooked! I committed to come back and captain my own yacht. BVI Yacht Chartres was very helpful in the basic training I needed to receive to achieve that goal, and I found it at Charleston Sailing School in SC. I enlisted my friends, did 2 practice sails in the US and we departed for the BVI. It was nothing short of spectacular! C'elavie was exceptionally well maintained. The house systems (especially air conditioning) were exquisite!! Like most Helia's she doesn't sail exceptionally fast on a close reach, but who is in a hurry in the BVI!? I can't wait to get back, and would recommend this voyage to novice and seasoned skippers.